About us
Welcome to the website of National Forum Kuwait (NAFO Kuwait). Founded in 2004, NAFO, a non-profit, non-political socio-cultural global organization is best described as a voluntary association of like-minded individuals. Dedicated to our motto, “Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu” (meaning – May All Beings in All Worlds be Happy), we the members are individually committed to excellence in performance and enjoy the freedom of belonging to an exclusive and vibrant NAFO global family. Coupled with the elements of preserving, promoting and perpetuating social, cultural and economic empowerment of the downtrodden population of our society, we also do embrace the events that foster the progressive and sustainable development of India, our indeed blessed motherland!
Since its inception, NAFO by collectively and diligently promoting bona-fide and unequivocal social contributions has today evolved into an unchallengeable network of world citizenry. Our paramount achievement is, conceivably, enlightening and educating our members, their families, explicitly children and well-wishers about our valuable culture and traditions.

With more than a thousand members and associated well-wishers, and having a hard core of life members as its backbone, NAFO is governed by a body of eminent and dedicated personalities with exceptional qualifications and experienced societal leadership skills. Their collective performances have shown significant advancement in the past in progressively achieving the mandate of this association. Our mission, vision, long-term plans, programs and accomplishments are displayed in appropriate links of this website.
NAFO regularly – Host public assemblies for propagating the ideals and principles of our great social leaders through meaningful dialogues in the form of General Body, General Committee and Executive Board meetings.Conduct programs such as, Cultural Competitions, Annual Day and Onam Celebrations for creatively disseminating the unique values of Indian art and cultural heritage.

SponsorKudumbasangamam (family get-together), Outdoor Picnics and Meet the Specialists for promoting harmony, mutual respect, civic responsibilities, cordial co-existence, tolerance, aspirations and health awareness among member families.Provide Snehatheerdham Educational Assistance in order to alleviate economic destitution and social exclusion among underprivileged school-going children.
Organize Career Development and Leadership Training activities that are qualitatively designed to advance the educational excellence of members’ children and to prepare them for fearlessly encountering future challenges.
The goal of NAFO has been and will continue focusing on building a strong and cohesive community network based on unity, social justice, mutual trust and universal brotherhood. Please proceed and open the inner doors of this website for a detailed, for a better view and for a truthful understanding, verification and judgment of the aforementioned testimonies.
More About Nairs
Nair – Hindu Caste of the Indian State of Kerala. Before the British conquest i.e. 1792, the region contained small feudal Kingdoms in each of which the royal and noble lineages, the militia and most land managers were drawn from Nairs and related caste. During British rule, Nairs became prominent in position, Government Service, Medicine, Education and Law. (Encylopedia Britanica)
Nair – A people of Malabar coast of India that are probably Dravidians with Aryan admixture. (Oxford Dictionary)Nair is the name of a Hindu caste in the Southern Indian state of Kerala. Nairs are an integral part of Kerala’s culture and have a long and illustrious history. Nairs are a warrior class (a martial nobility). They are similar to the samurai of Japan. The word Nair is either derived from the Sanskrit word Nayaka (leader) or Naga (snakes, which the Nairs worshipped). The Nair class name also encompasses Menon, Panicker, Kurup, Pillai, Unni, Unnithan, Kartha, Thampan, Kaimal, Nayanar, Thampi, and Nambiar.(Wikipedia)
Nairs are not a caste, but a race with its numerous sub-castes and surnames. Nairs can be found in all walks of life. They are aware of their cultural traditions and history and form an integral and active part of Kerala society.(Wikipedia)
Nairs are the savarna hindus who constituted the warriors, landed gentry and yeoman of Kerala. Nairs are the largest and most important section of the society of Kerala. They were the lords of the country and guardian of public wealth.(Robin Jeffrey – The Decline of Nair Dominance)
Traditionally a martial people, the Nairs have made history in Kerala. Today they are more distinguished as bureaucrats, writers, artists, administrators and diplomats. They are the only matrilineal community in the country.(Religions and Community of India – Chopra. P.N. (Ed) 1982)
The word ‘Nair’ means one who leads, a leader, a guardian, a teacher or a father.(Nair Samudayathinte Ithihasm – Pattom G.Ramachandran Nair) – Nair is not a caste, but a society of the Dravidian culture.(Nair Samudayathinte Ithihasm – Pattom G.Ramachandran Nair)


Pranam to Bharatha Kesari Sri. Mannathu Padmanabhan, a dynamic Personality and a great social reformer whose relentless efforts contributed invaluable impact in the development of the society. Shri. Mannathu Pandmanabhan is an honor to humanity. Acharyan’s life and his vision is the inspiration to form this association following his footsteps, to reach out and mobilize the like minded individuals in the world for the common objectives of welfare, social & economic development through collective effort.
Sri.Mannathu Padmanabhan the peerless leader of the Nair Community, the immortal founder of the Nair Service Society and the great social reformer was born in the closing decades of the 19th century in perunnai, a village in changanacherry taluk of the erstwhile state of Travancore as the son of middle-class parents. Abject poverty misery and deprivation marked the early years of his life. After school education he became a teacher and then a pleader .Before long he found himself drawn in to the vortex of political and social movements. The plight of the Nair Community that was witnessing it’s own decadence and disintegration, precipitated by extravaganza, superstitious veneration for antiquated and anachronistic customs and tradition, filled him with anguish. He marshalled his oratorial skill and organizational ability to motivate, inspire and mobilize the Community that was lost in a long and deep slumber .The Nair Service Society which he conceived, nursed and nurtured, epitomized the hopes and aspirations of the community which had been waiting for a saviour.
Mannam’s personal life was inextricably intertwined with the history of the N.S.S.He travelled extensively through the state, met the people ,organized them and won their love and regard with the help of his disarming simplicity, single-minded devotion, will and determination.
Impregnable fortress of superstition and formidable citadel of resistance crumbled before his all-conquering and awe-inspiring personality. Gradually he built an empire out of nothing .The prestigious institutions founded by him would perpetuate his memory.
Captivated by Mahatma Gandhi and his principles of Satyagraha .Mannam led a Satyagraha march called “Savarnajatha” for the sake of the untouchables .It ultimately led to the” Temple Entry Proclamation” .The dynamic roles he played in the “Vaikom Satyagraham” and in the independence struggle and his subsequent imprisonment and his initiatives aimed at communal harmony ,peace and social changes turned him into a legend in his life time .The major milestones in the history of the N.S.S intersect the social ,political and cultural history of Kerala .
Mannam passed away at the ripe age of 93.The story of his life is the stuff, fairy tales are made of. The touch of his magic wand revived and resurrected the entire community. He taught them the philosophy of action, the value of unity and above all the need to change .His legacy is undiminished by passage of time. He lives through generations.